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Hengtong to Supply CPP Qld for Powerlink’s Greenbank BESS

2023.12.21 764 Font size:

Hengtong Cable Australia (HCA) will be supplying Consolidated Power Projects Qld, 11km of 33kV, 11km of Earth and 26km of flexible LV cable for the Greenbank BESS Project.


The Greenbank Battery will have a discharge capacity of 200 megawatts and store 400 megawatt hours of energy (200MW/400MWh). It will be able to power 66,000 homes for two hours in the evening peak before needing to recharge.


In addition to powering homes and businesses, the battery will also support Powerlink to uphold system strength and security when required to avoid blackouts and brown outs.


The project is the first of its kind where an energy company collaborates with a transmission company to develop an asset for the benefit of both customers and the security and reliability of the power system.